Sunday, June 24, 2012

Requiem for Joanne

Now that you have slid into that last dream
before leaving this world of ours behind,
the secrets that you held are at last revealed.
Some will wonder why you kept so much
to yourself, alone, or worry that they may
have changed the outcome for you.

I marvel at the bravery of choosing
to suffer alone, defending those you loved
from the pain of watching you go
with a courage even brighter than the one
that shone from you every time we met.

I'm told you asked for me near the end
of your waking, as you may have recalled
the many times I told you that all of this
is only a dream we dream we are dreaming.
I hear your good-bye, dear friend, and feel
the love you leave here for those who shared
your path.
I bid you go, now, and slip into that sea of love
where there are no secrets, only truth and peace.
As we all must, in time, I will join you there,
and ask that you greet me, setting free, too, 
the secrets that I carry, to be left behind in
this dreaming world, as I slip in to that same
sea of love, where secrets no longer matter

and everything is at last, revealed.

Bon voyage, my dear, dear friend.
Rest well, and know that my tears fall
only for those you have left behind.
You have gone on to a state of grace
even greater than the one you carried
with you while you were here with us.

For J.E.; June 2012

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